Friday, May 29, 2009

My Fondest Memory

Please cut and paste your final draft of the Fondest Memory assignment into the blog. It will be wonderful for other students and parents to read your memories and re-live some really good times at Newport Heights through your words.

Mr. A


#22 said...

The best memories I have had was in this grades1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th in the school of Newport Heights. Newport height is the best school you could go into. In my school there is a playground a big field. On the field you can play soccer baseball and football. This is the best school you could go to because you will have the best times.

The best times I have had have been in this school here is an example. In first grade there was this girl named Angela she was in Miss. Jay class and she had a really big blue and green ball and most of all the first graders were chasing her you can probably hear the loud noise from the library. She ran around the hole black top after 5 minutes she passed the ball to me but I didn’t want to get chased so I passed it back to her every body was tired because it was a hot day but they still chased her then she decided that she was going to put the ball back in the class after that everyone left. That my best memory but the best grade I had was this year and I had the best teacher Mr. Africano.

35 said...

My experience in Newport Heights

My favorite memories of Newport Heights is playing football with Dr. Suhr and making the pyramids with Mr. Africano. During the Egypt project I had my sister help me on it, and she did a good job. It was hard to glue the triangles together for the pyramid, but it looked great. Oh yea! It was fun making the map under the pyramid. When I was finished with my pyramid I presented it to my classmates and then my teacher Mr. Africano graded my project and he gave me an A on it and I was so happy.

Playing football with Dr. Suhr is also a great memory, whenever I play football with him I always want him to be on my team. I like it when he throws the ball to me while I’m running and I catch the ball. I love it when I steal the ball from the other team and make a touchdown. I like it when Dr. Suhr throws me the ball and I make a touchdown and winning the game. These memories are my favorites from Newport Height Elementary school.

#4 said...


In most essays people talk about only the good times and how everything worked out great. Just because everything doesn’t turn out so well doesn’t mean you shouldn’t talk about the hard times. As Mr. Africano has stated “It’s not if bad times will happen its when.” At times life at Newport Heights was like a rollercoaster, there were highs and there were lows. I learned just as much from my mistakes as from when I succeeded. That’s why I love being a student at Newport Heights Elementary where there’s room for mistakes.
Some of my highest times were in the classroom with Mrs. Bisceglia and Mr. Del Real. My favorite memory from Mrs. Bisceglia’s class was when we wrote a poem that had to be about an animal. I remember I wrote about Mrs. Bisceglia’s cousin’s rat that got lost while she was at their house and died. When I gave the poem to Mrs. Bisceglia she started laughing and it made me laugh too. I learned that schoolwork wasn’t always serious, and fro the rat bad times came and never left.
In Mr. Del Real’s class my favorite memory was joke of the day and getting to use the computers throughout the entire year. I remember the day we got the computers everyone was so excited. Someone almost fell off their chair when Mr. Del Real handed them out. I learned how to use Excel, Word, PowerPoint, and even how to film and edit movies. It was awesome! I also learned how to trouble shoot and fix problems with the computers.
This year was my last here at Newport Heights. During my 10 months I had a great time in Mr. Africano’s class. We did this thing called A-Corp. A-Corp is a program where everybody gets a job and you get paid for your job. At the end of the year we have a big auction where you buy stuff with your A-Corp dollars. I was motivated in A-Corp because I liked the feeling of working hard and being rewarded. I also learned an important lesson that you should always tell the truth. I had to confront something that I didn’t want to so I lied to a teacher. The next day I went I went back and told the truth, which made me, feel much better because it felt better doing the right thing and I knew that I would be leaving Newport Heights with a strong character.
My overall experience at Newport Heights Elementary was great because I learned so much. Learning about technology will help me in the future for school and at work. I also know that when I am challenged with a job I will be motivated to work hard, trouble shoot problems, and deal with people honestly.

#8 said...

A Memory to keep

I’ve been at this school since 1st grade and now I’m off to a school bigger than Newport Heights. I have lots of memories in Newport Heights. But the memory that I will always have to keep with me is when I was in 5th grade, it was the last day of school. We were having a party at the end of the school year. I was so excited when the bell rang Mr. Del Real and the room mom’s helped us put up the chairs, tables, cups, and more. When everything was all set up all us went to the field.

First my friends and me went to get ice cream cones. Then we played tug-a-war first it was boys vs. girls then class vs. class. It was lots of fun I didn’t get wet. Then we played games like balloon fit, wheel barrel, and we had a dance contents. The wheel barrel was fun me and Maggie didn’t win that one but we had fun. I also had fun with the balloon fit. I only got hit three times.

The funniest part was when we had the dunk tank and the teachers on it. I got my teacher and a 1st grade teacher. Some people stand next to the dunk tank and got wet. (I stand next to it and got wet.) Then I saw some people in the pool there was Julie and she and heather pulled me in and I got soaked. After that I went to get food there was hot dogs, cookies, chips, water, and juice. Then the day ended and it was time to go home.

quinten said...

A Tribute to NHES

My very first day at Newport Heights, I did not want to go. I was begging my mom not to take me but she said I would have lots of fun at my new school. When we arrived, we started looking for my first grade classroom. When we got there my mom started talking to my teacher, Mrs. Jay. When my mom left I was nervous and upset. But then I saw my good friend, Slater, who I have known since pre-school. And then I got used to the school and my mom was right.

And then when I got into upper grade, I had my all-time favorite teacher, Mrs. Bisceglia. She was a great teacher because she never yelled or got mad. She hardly gave any homework and she would always joke around and make the whole class laugh. After 4th Grade, I had an O.K. teacher, who was Mrs. Carmichael. My favorite thing about 5th grade was doing create-a-skate. Since I really like to skateboard, it was awesome, and I still have my create-a-skate board.

After 5th grade, I came into 6th grade, which is the very last grade in our school. I love 6th grade because we are pretty much the leaders of the school. My favorite part about 6th grade is that I have an awesome teacher, who is Mr. Africano. He is one of my all time favorite teachers. I also enjoyed the 6th grade science camp which was one of my favorite things about NHES. When I am older, I will never forget Newport Heights.

Saul 7 said...

A Tribute to my School

The first day I had come to this school I couldn't believe that I could have so much fun. I suddenly had a feeling that I would have the best elementary school in the district. I was right 100%. I remember coming home from school and getting all the usual questions like "How was it?" or "Did you meet anyone nice to hang out with?". My first year was great with the help and support from Mr.Daffron.
Mr. Daffron was a great teacher and I will never forget him. My favorite part about the class was that we got to sing every Friday. Mrs. B was a real treat for me and the rest who got to be in her class. She was a really great joker. I couldn't help laugh every time she made a joke.
My favorite part of my 5th grade year was Create-a-skate. I loved using sandpaper for the first time. I still have my Create-a-skate board. But beyond all that the real best part was the teacher Mr. Kimme. He was a great personffgb and loved to teach us.
My greatest year of all at Newport Heights Elementary school was my 6th and final year here. Mr. Africano shaped and crafted this year perfectly. Some of us in the class were trouble makers but Mr. Africano just helped them get better. He never falled under stress of 36 students. It was above all my greatest and favorite year here and will miss this school so much.

Uma 29 said...

My Favorite Memory of Newport Heights

I have had many laughs, giggles and chuckles over the years. But here at Newport Heights I know I have had the most. I have always been a straight A student, wherever I went, but here at this school in particular I felt in place.
February of 2009. I’ll never forget that day. I was placed into Mr. Africano’s sixth grade class. I joined everyone in the science lab with Ms. Jenson. Everyone looked at me and smiled. When we left for recess I met my new best friends Maggie and Shantal. We have lots of things in common like, Maggie loves to dance and sing while Shantal loves to laugh.
In class I sat next to Maggie, which made me feel more comfortable. Sitting in front of me was Angel. Angel, to me, was the class clown. The loudest class clown I have ever met. Right now, she just happens to be one of my closest friends. During lunch I met Maria. Maria knows about every good book for girls that there are to read. She is a great friend and you always want to be around her.
Then there is Mr. Africano; he is my second teacher for the sixth grade. He made it so easy to catch up with the class. He printed me assignments right away and helped me through all of them. He tells about 5 to 6 stories a day. His teaching style is different then other teachers I have had but it’s easier to understand. But all in all he is one of the best teachers I have ever had.
Last but not least, about a month ago another new student came named, Jashay. She has such a great personality and style. Jashay also loves soccer she plays everyday. She is the newest addition to my group of friends.
So in conclusion I really am lucky my mom decided to move back to Newport Beach at the time she did. I’m also lucky that came here to Newport Heights the day I did. I’m lucky I was sat next to Maggie in class. I guess I was in the right place, at the right time, with the right people.

16 said...

Favorite Memories
I have enjoyed my time here at Newport Heights. Over the years I have felt safe and confident while attending classes at this school. I know that has a lot to do with one of the most important people in my life. Yep, you guessed it, my mom. We have had a wonderful time here, learning new things making great friends and of course being part of the cheer squad. If you can imagine, I was actually afraid to leave my mom to go to camp, but that is another story entirely. There are so many memories that I’ve had trouble picking, but I would have to say that Mrs. Bascellia was at the top of the list for my favorite teachers here at Newport Heights elementary.
The most memorable times with Mrs. B as a teacher, were the times when she was encouraging to me. She is the best teacher ever; she helped me laugh when I was sad. She helped me to smile when I was mad. She helped me learn to love math and helped to shape who I am. I loved it when she read to us and made the whole room and the story come alive. It was so fun to learn writing, she made it so exciting. She would help me if I had a problem and be stern with me, if I needed it. I can’t say it enough, Mrs. B was the best teacher ever.
I have learned so much here at Newport Heights I have a lot of good memories here. As a matter of fact, when I think of leaving I feel a little void start to well up in my heart. It kind of makes me feel like crying. Newport Heights was the best school. Mrs. B was the best teacher, and my mom was the best mom any young lady could ever ask for. I could not imagine going to another school I’m going to miss it, but now it’s time to move on. I will cherish these years, these memories and the people who helped shape who I am. In conclusion I would like to say just one more thing. Thank you.

#24 said...

Watching “Life”

My favorite memory at Newport Heights was the butterfly experiment in 2nd grade. I remember when my teacher, Ms. Fellers, first brought in the tiny jars of caterpillars. She explained to us that these little guys would eventually become beautiful butterflies. She also told us that they would form a cocoon in a “J” shape. This was an amazing experience, and it was my favorite memory at Newport Heights.
My teacher let us pick our very own caterpillar and give them a name. I named mine “Bob.” I put Bob in his own little plastic cup with lots of food. Week after week, month after month, Bob got bigger. He became a very fat caterpillar. I didn’t think he was going to make the journey to become a chrysalis because he would have to climb the jar to the very top. Bob amazed me and completed phase II of the experiment.
Bob was now in his cocoon and I moved him to a bigger environment. I attached his cylinder to one side of the large net. Now all I had to do was wait until he broke out of his cocoon. In the end, Bob was the biggest and most beautiful butterfly in my 2nd grade class. This was my favorite memory at Newport Heights.

Anonymous said...

It’s now time to move on

Before I begin, I would like to give a big “Thank you” to my mom, and to Dr. Suhr, for helping me get to where I am today. I would also like to thank my friends and teachers for encouraging my skills, and allowing me to grow. I also would like to thank all the teachers out on duty at lunch everyday for giving us discipline. Thank you so much for being the best people and for being a part of my life.

My most cherished memory would be having the opportunity of being in Mrs. Carmichael’s class. Mrs. Carmichael was a very sweet and fun teacher who would do almost anything to make us happy. Every morning she would open the door and greet us with a cheerful “Good Morning.” The way she taught was very fun for everyone in the class. She was also very interested in art and did an art project every Friday afternoon. I will always remember Mrs. Carmichael, the best teacher.

I have learned so many things at Newport heights and have so many memories that it makes me want to cry thinking about leaving this school. Newport Heights is the best elementary school because I’ve been going to this school since kindergarten and I feel safe here. I don’t know what I’ve would of done if I didn’t come to Newport Heights to get educated. I will miss this school and will come back to visit, I will never forget such great teachers who helped me get to where I am today.


#3 said...

Looking Back…

First off, I would like to thank Dr. Suhr, and all of the teachers that who have helped me get where I am today. I would also like to give a special thanks to my mom, who has helped me through everything from scraped knees to complex Algebra equations.

Looking back, I would have never guessed how much I would learn here at Newport Heights Elementary School. I would have never guessed that I would be working at this level of mathematics, or writing my graduation speech, let alone learning my alphabet.

When I first knew that I would be attending kindergarten here, I was really excited. I remember rushing to Staples, as soon as we saw the supply list, and getting crayons and pencil boxes for Miss. Holland’s class. I didn’t know anybody in my class, but I was too happy to care.

On the first day, before we left for school, my mom lined my sister, Rachel, and me against the wall for pictures in our brand new school jumpers. When we finished taking pictures, I slung my Power Puff Girl backpack over my shoulders, and we were on our way to school. My mom walked me into class, and helped me find my seat, then she gave me a hug and left to take Rachel to her room.

I felt pretty lonely sitting there, because not many people had arrived yet, a few kids even started to cry, but forgot their troubles as they recognized some of their friends. Conversation was pretty awkward for the people who didn’t know anyone, but eventually we all fell into place. I made friends with a boy named Trevor, and we had a lot of fun together.

Trevor and I have been having fun together for almost seven years, from Miss Hocker’s class, when we were in the same math group together, all the way to Mr. Del Real’s class, when we designed and planted a garden together, and now we will graduate the sixth grade together, and have all of those memories forever. Even when we are seventy-three and live thousands of miles away from each other, we can look back and smile at them.

Sometimes, I never want to leave this school, or the sixth grade, or all of the friends that I have made over the years. I don’t want to meet new people, or be in a strange new school, but that’s just the way life is.

Looking back, I would have never guessed how much I would learn, the friends that I would make, or the experience that I would gain from this school. When I first came here, I didn’t even know how to read, or how to add and subtract. Now I have soared to heights greater than anyone could have expected, and I want to thank everyone at Newport Heights who has helped me get there. Looking back, I am proud to be a shark!

Thank You

Taylor#14 said...

My Memory here!

My feelings toward Newport Heights are strong and good. My years were the best of my life here at this wonderful school. My fondest memory was in 5th grade with Mrs. Carmichael during a project called Create a Skate. Create a Skate was a program to design your own skate board.

My memory of Create-a-skate with Mrs. Carmichael and I were involved. It was the day to design our skate boards. I was still doing my report on Washington state and Mrs. Carmichael said if you don't finish you don't start. I was able to finish the report and do my skate board. It was my favorite memory because she was there for me and it made me feel happy, she could have been with the other kids, but no . It was powerful for me because she was there and I won't forget it. She was supportive in all the areas in school.

This memory will help me in the future and help others like she did to me. I will carry this package with me at all time times. It will help me get through all the bad things and people out there in the real world. So I want to say thanks to you with all my heart. Thanks you Mrs. Carmichael.

#15 said...

My Years at NHES

My years at Newport Heights have been the best years of my life. The reason why they have been so enjoyable is because of how much my teachers have cared about me and they all have helped me learn something every year. The reason that I chose to write this letter to Mr. Africano is because he has taught me so much. He has done everything to help me in all of my weaker academic areas and has improved me and encouraged me in my strengths.

The first day I walked into Mr. Africano’s class, I saw house designs, and posters on the wall, and all kinds of things that were very creative. In his class I learned how to be creative and learn useful things. I learned how to create, and fill out an invoice, and I have learned how to work an excel sheet on the program Microsoft Excel. I am so thankful for him to be my teacher because he has helped me get where I need to be for success.

If I didn’t have Mr. Africano as my sixth grade teacher it probably would’ve been hard for me to get through the year. Mr. Africano has showed me that I can manage math just like I do soccer. I remember one day when we were in room 13 doing a program called Accelerated Math and he told me that if I didn’t learn math, I probably wouldn’t be successful in attending a college. After that, I went on to a website on the internet that allowed me to improve my math skills.

Thank you so much Mr.Africano I am very thankful to have you as my teacher for 6th grade. I want to thank you for redirecting my academic career into a more promising future. Thank you for those days that you used to sit on the benches with me doing nothing but math and reviewing concepts. You are the best that I have had in all my years at Newport Heights.


Anonymous said...


Newport Heights has given me so many useful things to know and do, and I would like to thank Mrs. Sommers, Mrs. Hocker, Mrs. Fellers, Mr. Daffron, Mr. Africano, Dr. Shur, Mr. Kimme, Mr. Salvino, Chris, My family, and friends. Newport Heights is what made me grow.

Now let’s think back about 4 or 5 years When it was the first day of school, My mom packing my lunch, and my dad getting my backpack ready, I was nervous I was thinking, what if I made no friends and what if the teacher doesn’t like me. When we got to school my parents walked me to the classroom. The first time when I saw Mrs. Sommers I knew she was going to be nice; she greeted me with a nice good morning and showed me to my desk. I loved when we learned new words like the, or and, I use those words everyday that helped me to get to where I am today.

Three years later, I walked into Mr. Daffron’s room, He introduced a fun activity, When we go into the kindergarten room and sang songs like the itsy bitsy spider, I love that song and think of it offten. Years later I was in 6th grade with Mr. Africano’s, and when I saw him I knew he was going to be a great teacher, He always told stories that where interesting and he always played his guitar it was so nice to hear, He always made a boring lesson into a fun art project; He ended up one of my favorite teachers, and he got me to where I am now and gave me the extra boost for 7th grade. Of course two people I want to recognize Chris and Dr. Suhr, They are always outside at lunch talking to all the students and take their time talking to each one of us. That means a lot to us, Our school would not be complete without them.

But the two people who really got me to this day is my parents, They are always by my side, encouraging me to move on, and now I would like to thank them for all they have done for me, From changing my diapers to being here today, I couldn’t have done it without them, I love them forever with all my heart.

Newport Heights was just what I needed to grow and mature before 7th grade. All of my teachers, my parents, and my friends, helped me flourish a little each year and now I’m on to the next phase of my life, Thank you for helping me grow.

# 12 =) =) <3 <3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~