Monday, February 25, 2013

1. Acedemic 2. Art 3. Parking lot


Harrison Halperin said...

Parking Lot: I would like there to be an Architectural class so we could build blue-prints and I would like to build something. I want to learn how to build a car and a Computer, so I could learn how to build a computer program, or make an Invention with car parts or mini cars that are remote control and gas powered. I would like to find out how to INVENT something. Like the new Ipad or the new Car.
I want to create Blue-Prints and I want to let us read for at least 1 hour a day.

Riley Dun said...

1. Project hour
2. Having a movie software
3. Having a learning trip – Ensign goes to D.C. and goes to the holocaust museum – perhaps going to like mammoth or something.
4. Having a green screen on campus

Anonymous said...

Chloe Bagiu:

 Learning about the ocean and its animals
 To learn French

 Painting on canvases
 Using water colored pencils
 Learning how to draw animals

Parking Lot
 Having a culinary program

Anonymous said...

I would like to have a designated time to work on a program called Google sketch up
And to have more open ended projects
I think we should have more art not like art masters where you have to do a certain thing and are required to put lines in specific places instead I would like to have an open ended prompt
Parking lot
I believe we should have more sports teams like pilot cup and a school basketball team and compete with other schools

Anonymous said...

Academic Anything Greek, computer programing, Video program, more reading, Script writing classes physics,
Parking lot School sports team, language, more projects, IPads, Comedic classes,

priscilla said...

1. Drawing humans
2. Water colors
3. Draw with chalk
4. Make schools have drawing class
5. Make clay pots

Anonymous said...

Helen Coyne #12
• Learn different languages
• Learn an instrument of your choice

• Do more creative art
• Have canvases, watercolor paper, watercolors, pastels, acrylic paint, and watercolor pencils to use for art and projects.

Parking Lot:
• To have the opportunity to build and create little projects
• Have a culinary program

Anonymous said...

Will Harvey

Academic: I like the computers a LOT and I think we should utilize the computer for more things. We have workbook pages, which study spelling and grammar, which I think is a waste of time. They show absolutely no creativity and I love creativity. More time for A.M.
Art: I am not the biggest fan of art so I am fine the way it is. Although I would like there to be free draw and not have someone instruct me in drawing.
Parking Lot: More P.E and sports throughout the day. I would like free time throughout the day to go outside and exercise more. I’d like to study sports more. Leadership activities would be nice also. I would like better basketball rims. I would like for this school to have a basketball team.

Mia Matsunami said...

Art: If I could choose something to for art, I would say doing a 30 minute optional art class at the end of Friday would benefit many people. I think if you do a different project every week, people would become very interested in doing this program. I think this would benefit people because if you want to do something specific that you love, you can do it.
Parking Lot: If I could choose something for parking lot, I would say to make the last 45 minutes of the day specifically to what the student is interested in. For example, sports classes, writing, cooking, crafting, etc. I think it is a good way to see what the student is interested in. If a student doesn’t like math, they can have a chance to do whatever they want.

Andrew Moreno said...

I want Cartooning, animations, Stop motion Movies, Clay Animation, CGI, Cooking.

Andrew Moreno

Anonymous said...

Cameron Harper

I hope to have lots more AM time and AR time in the day.

I hope that we can do more poetry and do more art lessons because I think art shows peoples creativity.

Parking lot
I hope that we have more sport teams and have more time for exercise like playing soccer or other sports for 30 minutes a day + lunch and recess. Also I hope that we have more free time to do powerpoints and write about things on your mind

Anonymous said...

Alli Cunningham
Parking Lot: I think a parking lot would be good for art. You wouldn’t park cars in, so it would be more like a lot. It is good for art because it is not in classroom it is in the open and outside. You could make a mess because it doesn’t madder if it gets on the ground.
Nooks: I think every student should have a nook because I think it would make each kid enjoy reading better.

jocelyn said...

- drawing class.
- be able to go on YouTube and watch drawing tutorials.
- drawing humans and animals.

Anonymous said...

I think that our school should have something safer on the playground instead of woodchips I think it would be better for something more flat. Also I think that we should have new soccer balls for each classroom. I think we should have wider bars on the playground. I think that we should have more art at our school and have tumbling mats to do gymnastics for P.E.

Anonymous said...

Sara R. #32
• To have a trip with the grade for sixth grade during a break
• A classroom with lots of different mediums for drawing and painting, have a separate session during school hours were you can do whatever art you want with no instructions
Parking Lot:
• To have a culinary program were you could learn to measure ingredients
To learn a different language
To go to a field trip were you watch people do art

Anonymous said...

Parking lot
• have time to learn a different language
• learn to write in cool ways and design things
• have tumbling mats and be able to do gymnastics or tumbling on the field for P.E.
• have more time to read
• do more independent studies on whatever you want to do

Anonymous said...

Sam Barela #6
• More leadership being taught
• More time on reading
• Classrooms including sports
• More time with other classrooms
• Lots of more painting
Parking Lot:
• Lots more time studying sports
• Lots more time exercising
• More P.E. time with sports
• Better basketball courts and basketball
• Compete against other schools in different sports
• Cooking classes
• Better water coolers

Lupita said...

Academic- I would like more books and to learn more earth science here.

Art- I would like more art and all kinds of different instruments for us.

Anonymous said...

Parking lot
• have time to learn a different language
• learn to write in cool ways and design things
• have tumbling mats and be able to do gymnastics or tumbling on the field for P.E.
• have more time to read
• do more independent studies on whatever you want to do

Anonymous said...

Academic – more science experiments.

Art – I like art masters and I would enjoy it staying the same.

Parking lot – I would like more building projects. Having movie software and a green screen room. It would be nice to have more P: E time outside like 2 hours a day including Recces and Lunch.

Anonymous said...

Parking lot
• have time to learn a different language
• learn to write in cool ways and design things
• have tumbling mats and be able to do gymnastics or tumbling on the field for P.E.
• have more time to read
• do more independent studies on whatever you want to do

Sam Baker said...

Sam baker #5
Stuff I want the school to do.

• Oceanography and marine biology
• Sculpting

Parking lot
• Motor cycle mechanics
• Clothing business
• Skate park on campus

Anonymous said...

Academic – more science experiments.

Art – I like art masters and I would enjoy it staying the same.

Parking lot – I would like more building projects. Having movie software and a green screen room. It would be nice to have more P: E time outside like 2 hours a day including Recces and Lunch.

Blair Cunningham said...

Art- I would love to see our school with a wood shop. At my cousins private school they have this for one of their periods. I would not just want to do wood shop but I would love to paint and decorate what we make
Parking lot- I would love to see our school with team sports. I would love to see all of us learning about the sports and playing what we enjoy.

Anonymous said...

1. Reading
2. History
3. Math

Parking lot
1. sports
2. learning about astromany

Gabby Brutman said...

Academic: I would like to see movie filming and editing be taught in the vicinity of technology. In high school and intermediate school there are second languages taught. I would love to see those languages taught in elementary school. Also, I pads for every student would be a huge learning device. You can get educational apps (math facts, language arts, social studies facts, pages etc.) and it can be a huge learning tool.

Art: Once a week classes can do new art projects and with new mediums. One week they might use pastels, one week you might do mosaics, or one week you might do acrylic paints, etc.

Parking Lot: I would love to see a theater program develop. I am very passionate about the arts and would love to do monthly plays, shows, and musicals instead of one school play for the whole year. My vision is a theater program that works on a show for a few months then puts on another show. Then following they would do another, so kids who love drama can experience the music and the acting year round. Rather than doing a show for three months out of the year.

Riley Dun said...

having a field trip to Newport Theater Arts Center -- --
2501 Cliff Dr.
Newport Beach, CA

Anonymous said...

Alli Cunningham
I think that once or maybe more times a year we should visit a very unique place for a feild trip that is like nowhere we have ever been to before. We should go to a zoo and see how the animals live and how the animal's caretakers work with them. I think every student would be interested in it and we would learn a lot.

#16 said...

School Ideas
By: Luke Downing
Parking Lot: For the parking lot of these ideas I would like to have an hour or more to be able to learn about soccer skills and tricks. If we got this time to learn about what I love I think that school would be even more fun than it already is. Academics: If we could learn a second language in class I think that more kids would become more involved with learning and academics.

Anonymous said...

•Use canvases when painting or doing art
•If we have an art class, if we could take field trips to sunsets, the beach, basically go and see sights of nature.
- Glee Club ( Music club perform and sing our feelings in songs )

• Slushies’
• Cooking classes culinary
• Making clothes, a group for making clothes
• Swimming pool
• Make our own shoes
• Surfing club ( able to visit the beach, catch waves )

Anonymous said...

Parking Lot
I like Chloe Bagiu’s idea of having a culinary class. This could teach us about measurement.
Clothes designing would also be a perfect way of learning length and measurement.

I would like to have a theatre class. Its takes away the shyness from most people while you are having fun. I really, truly love acting. Movie making is also a very fun activity. But it may be a challenge. It teaches you technology.
Pottery is another way of expressing yourself through art. It can also teach you how to shape an object from scale.
Painting will be enrichment for me. I have an idea of filling lots of balloons with paint and then line them up on a clean canvas. Then, popping the balloons (one by one) will create a waterfall of paint on the canvas.


valerya said...

Academic art parking lot
I would also like to I would like to do pottery and have at least I would like to have
Learn how to play guitar, A little time a day to draw things. I would some handball courts
Drums, and learn to sing Also like to paint once a week and use in the parking lot
Better. I would also Markers, color pencils, oil pastels, clay,
Like to learn how to and more.
Use electronics better.
I would love to learn how
to cook better to.

Christian Beard said...

1. I think the school district should make it so we have a class of oceanography
2.I think when we are in music we should play a different instrument for each student
3.Having a pottery class
4. Having an editing class

Anonymous said...

John Passannante
Academically, I think that we should less AM and more AR. I say this because when I do AM you’re doing it on your own and sometimes your need to self-teach and it’s easy to get confused. I think that we should have more AR because I think that kids should know more about the art of literature and I like to think and ponder the thought of something. Also AR can give you a farther understanding of one thing or a subject. Also, it’s a form of art.
I think that we should have more time to do something artistically like sketching or painting, and it would be good to do this were it would be free minded. I think this would make the day more fun and some kids would look forward to the day. Also we could do a project(s) as a class. We wouldn’t just do them on paper but on the computer too. This could farther our computer skills.
Parking Lot:
I think that we should have more projects were we can create and make more models. Also we should have a class, required or not, were you can invent or make something, and kids like me and Riley would definitely like this. We have already thought of things that could and would like to make. We also could have culinary classes that a few kids that I know of would love.

Anonymous said...

I would like to have a gymnastics class out on the field. Gymnastics is a way to keep your mind and your body active while having fun!
you leran skill, focus, and balance.

Ty said...

Ty The Ultimate Wizard...
Cooking: At the cafeteria People could bring their ingredients and recipes to make food for the class.
Construction: We can build or make blue prints of what we want to make, statues or buildings
Tech: Games, computers, recovering data, fix viruses.
Music instruments: Drums, guitars, vocals, saxophones, doing all of this in music. We can play all we want.

Valerya said...

i would also like a pool at school

christian beard said...

we should have a gym

Anonymous said...

Teachers would discipline but at the same time educate and have fun doing it. congrats Mr. A u have been doing just that

Anonymous said...

Your classes will be classes that prepare you for the career you’d follow in after school.

I said... said... said...

Music And Theater club

Riley Dun said...

hey check this out
it is 30 quotes of how the perfect school would be like.

Anonymous said...

hey check out page 27 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\
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Cherilyn Ly said...

I really want to make our own shoes... :) That would really be cool, how about for art to we can use canvas's to paint on and sketch real people! I think that would really be fun. Does anyone agree?

Jasmine Eck said...

lets do class plays and preformences

Diana Luna said...

I think learning more about all kinds of animals is a great way to spend valuable time. it can really teach us what they do to animals that's not right or how they adapt to places, etc. going to a zoo may also help. My cousin showed me a video of how they skin animals (alive). It made me cry. There is a petition online at that is going against fur. I truly think that a club about animals will help everyone.


Anonymous said...